May 2023 Digital Sticker Freebie

Here again to share my progress in my digital planner. I'm sharing pages from March, and somehow in March I forgot completely that I was doing the daily pages. Suddenly in April I remembered. It's always amazing to me how you can be going about doing something every day and then suddenly forget all about it. We did have a lot going on in March, so it's not really surprising I forgot about something. I could have just moved on with my life and started up again in April, but making the daily layouts is fast enough that I actually went back and did them. So I have a few to share with you here today. And stay tuned for my monthly sticker freebie at the end to help you on your own journey.

A few links to share if you're interested: this is the digital planner I'm using, and you can read more about digital planning here. Let me know if you have any questions! I'm trying to convert people to my current obsession :)

The weekly spreads are really my favorite. I usually fill them in after the fact, so it's more memory keeping than planning. But I will write it big events and things coming up so I can look ahead a bit. The process of actually writing things down helps clear my brain and I feel a bit less frazzled during busy times.

▼ Digital stickers from Papershire.
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▼ Digital stickers from BabaNanaandCO
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▼ Digital stickers from Sahin Designs.
2023 Memory Planner-33




▼ Please enjoy these fun label stickers!
Click on image to download. Link will expire after May 31, 2023.
digital sticker freebie

Recent Comments

Elizabeth price
Elizabeth price Mon, 05/29/2023 - 06:12

Ohhh, love that planner!!!

Lynn Goshert
Lynn Goshert Wed, 05/24/2023 - 16:28

These are so fun! Thank you! I'm glad I stopped by today!

LaShauna Sexton
LaShauna Sexton Thu, 05/18/2023 - 07:45

Absolutely beautiful. Love your work.

Maude Landan
Maude Landan Thu, 05/18/2023 - 07:08

Your planner pages are amazing!

Maude Landan
Maude Landan Thu, 05/18/2023 - 07:07

Thank you so much!